Your comments about Abused People Have Truth.
Howeve, let us all remember That, with HER OWN WORDS, Ms Lewis Explained That the abuses Against Her Began BEFORE she put Mr. Polanski.
She Has Travelled 16, with Her Friend, specifically to Meet Him.
Mr Polanski Did Not Force Her to go to Paris. He Did Not Her grab from the street and imprison him or.
It Is Clear That Ms Lewis IS pyschlogically damaged object name and why only blame Mr Polanski For Her abuse?
Why not the Arabs in London When She Was 14?
Why Not The Other Men In London When She Was 15?
Why nor Mr « X », « Y » and « Z » in London, the USA, Europe and everywhere else That Ms Lewis slept with?
Why not the dealer Who sold cocaine and LSD Her When She Was a Child?
If Mr. Polanski IS SUCH’ve svengali, a manipulator, a mesmersist Then why not Are There 10, 100 or 1000’s of women accused Him of Who SUCH Behaviour?
This matter Is a trial by media and hysterical popularism am and is about politics and money and NOT about truth or justice.
Mr Polanski Can not defend Himself Against SUCH charges.
Also It Now Appears to Be a Class War.
Reading the comments about Mr. Polanski’s detention in His holiday home in Gstadd, the inference by the media Is That ET is « Charmed, Being Treated Differently, happy ».
The use of home detention and electronic monitoring Is very common in the USA and Australia and It Is to keep people CHEAPER Detained In Their Homes Than to keep ’em in jail. It Is Not That something only the « rich » are Granted. It Is Used, in the USA, for all types of people (color, race, religion, Wealth) including immigrants, Because It Costs about $ US17 per day of over $ US100 INSTEAD per day for jail.
From far away Australia, It Seems to Me That Has Mr Polanski WORKED hard all of the Life and Loved, That from hard work, Fortunate Enough to purchase a holiday home. Many people around the world Who are not rich or famous Also do this. Somehow turn to the story and make it APPEAR That Mr Polanski privileged IS IS BOTH stupid and ignorant.
As a sole mother, Even If I Were Jailed at Home, To Be isolated from my children and would Be Unbearable Painful.
This matter Has Become smoke and mirrors trick to divert attention away from the original act Unjust.
I can only hope the Swiss Authorities Have Realised That CF firefighters after this witch hunt and Is a How They Have Been Manipulated By The LA District Attorney.